Just as we at the Law Firm of Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry, S.C. are committed to legal excellence, so are we committed to giving back to the Northeast Wisconsin community. Our aim is to make Northeast Wisconsin a better place to live and work—which starts with the work that we do for our clients, and extends beyond our office hours into the time and talent we dedicate to area nonprofits.

Our team of talented attorneys and professionals regularly dedicate time to work with community groups and charitable organizations, either by volunteering as a team or individually. Our goal is to improve the place we call home while allowing our COJ team members to strengthen their bonds both with each other and with people in the community.

“Giving is what lawyers do—we help our clients in difficult circumstances,” says Attorney Kurt Goehre. “We apply that same mentality outside of work and within our community.”

Caring for our community

Throughout Brown County, you may see COJ team members working with any of a long list of nonprofits and charitable organizations that help make our communities stronger. Our attorneys live and work here, and we have a stake in making Brown County a better place to live. We understand that we’re fortunate to be able to serve the community, and it’s our goal to share our wealth, expertise and time and talents with those who need them.

“Giving back builds a sense of community, improves communication and helps our team grow and improve,” says Attorney James Ledvina.

COJ team members regularly support nonprofits that are focused on improving life for youth, making health care more accessible, preserving and protecting our special natural areas, building literacy, supporting shelter and resources for victims of domestic violence, enhancing and expanding the arts and many more areas of focus. We work with dozens of organizations within Brown County and beyond, and we remain committed to sharing our time, talents and wealth, because it’s important for us to make a powerful impact in Northeast Wisconsin.

COJ leadership strongly supports our team pursuing their passions and spending time giving back to causes they care most about.

“Our firm culture thrives on giving because it furthers our collective values, our team spirit and our drive to improve the community,” says Attorney Jill Ray.

Working together with nonprofits—and you

Just as our team builds connections with each other, we also build our relationships with the nonprofits where we volunteer. Some of those organizations occasionally turn to us for legal advice and services, and it makes sense for us to work with them as we already understand their organizations and know their goals and missions.

The COJ team knows the value of giving back, both because it supports our communities and it helps us to get to know you, our clients. We hope that when you see where we dedicate our free time to area nonprofits, you’ll get a good sense of who we are and what we’re about. What happens within our communities impacts all of us, and understanding our dedication, we hope that offers some peace of mind that you’re making the right choice when you decide to work with us.

Learn more about becoming a valued member of the legal team at Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry, S.C. 

​​​Apply Here

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Law Firm of Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry, S.C.

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