Environmental, Health and Safety
Our firm is available to assist with the wide range of legal issues that may arise from today’s extensive environmental rules and regulations. We proactively address our clients’ environmental and regulatory challenges by providing practical solutions.
Our firm’s services include counseling and advice regarding the remediation of contaminated sites, redevelopment of brownfield sites, the regulatory impacts on businesses and the environmental implications of business and real estate sales and acquisitions. We regularly negotiate with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding compliance and enforcement issues. We also litigate private-party environmental claims and defend Superfund claims.
We help clients find solutions to all major environmental issues, including:
- Air quality
- Water quality
- Environmental permitting and compliance enforcement
- Remediation requirements
- Natural resource damage actions
- CERCLA/Superfund issues
- Toxic chemicals/toxic torts
- Administrative hearings
- Federal and state court litigation
- Hazardous and solid waste
- Land use planning
- Business and real estate transactions
- Insurance coverage
In addition, our team assists businesses with health and safety issues, including defending against OSHA safety citations, drafting of safety policies and programs and providing safety training.
Environmental and Land Use Planning
We represent individuals trying to navigate the tangle of environmental and land use regulations for personal or commercial projects. Our skilled attorneys represent clients before local, state and federal agencies.
Our firm works to negotiate permitting and regulatory objections to proposed projects. Years of experience ensure we know the right people to consult with regarding our clients’ projects.
Our tough-minded attorneys also litigate environmental and land-use issues in both state and federal courts to help protect and enforce the rights of our clients. We believe in protecting our clients’ interests and in making sure government agencies play fair when imposing land-use regulations and other private property restrictions.
Practicing Attorneys